Monitor for Compliance
Promoting compliant promotions protects consumers and reduces the risk of regulatory fines, costly investigations, un-budgeted compensation, lost revenue and disrupted operations.
Rightlander monitors your marketing partners to ensure that your offers are both accurate and compliant, following regulatory requirements and your partnership agreement.
Maintain Compliant Affiliate Marketing
Advertisers are responsible for ensuring that their affiliates and other marketing partners adhere to regulatory guidelines. When marketing compliance infractions occur they are broadcast quickly online with immediate impact to brand equity. To reduce regulatory risk advertisers monitor for the inclusion of disclosures, disclaimers and socially responsible marketing, whilst ensuring that prohibited terms, restricted payment methods and the promotion of illegal organisations is excluded. Unethical and misleading along with CTAs driving urgency and content targeting at minors are common restrictions that are closely monitored by authorities.
Whatever your concern, Rightlander scans and analyses millions of web pages, ads, emails and videos every month from different countries worldwide. As a client, you will receive prioritised results for remediation using Rightlander's intuitive online portal and can filter results based on content type (text, images, links, video) and industry specific reports.
Enforce Your Partnership Agreements
While most affiliates are ethical marketing partners looking to add value, unethical or illegal practices do happen. Your partnership agreement is the cornerstone of your affiliate or reseller program, outlining how things are done (policies) and what is and isn't permissible (the rules). Having a partnership agreement is important, but it does not guarantee affiliates and resellers will comply. Rightlander helps clients to monitor partner adherence to these rules so that you can build trusting relationships and receive high quality traffic. This may include, but is not limited to, relevant advertising regulations by jurisdiction, rules per marketing channel (e.g. no brand bidding in PPC), brand guidelines and significant terms & conditions.
Uncover Compliance Risks Across Multiple Channels
The use of online marketing channels can be limited or prohibited in certain industries. When permitted, affiliate activities must comply with the specific rules outlined by advertisers and regulators. Analysing affiliate content across multiple online marketing channels is a complex and time consuming process. To help clients, Rightlander discover and monitor content across websites, social media, PPC ads, email, video streaming and instant messages.
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c/o GMC Business Advisers Ltd, The Joiners Shop, The Historic Dockyard, Chatham, ME4 4TZ, , England. Company Number: 11150772.